
Zahedi dates

Zahedi dates

Zahedi dates in Salam Markets

Zahedi dates are one of the most economical and prestigious dates for export in Iran, which is also known as Qasb dates. Its extraordinary taste and very simple storage conditions have attracted many fans, which has made it one of the best-selling dates in Iran and other countries

This product is offered in foreign countries in very beautiful packages and wholesale by Salam Markets. The color of Zahedi dates is first class, golden and shiny, which is often offered to international markets in 10 kg cartons.

Zahedi dates have an oval shape. The end of this date is narrow and sharp. This date is consumed semi-dry and has a yellowish color that changes when it reaches a yellowish brown. This product is in the category of dry products, has a considerable durability and is a good option for export to other countries.

In the Iranian natural products market, Zahedi dates are produced in the best possible way and Salam Markets provides this product to customers all over the world with proper packaging and high quality.

Zahedi dates that are provided to customers in Salam Markets are sorted and thoroughly cleaned. It should be noted that date sorting is one of the important factors in date exports

Therapeutic properties and nutritional value of Zahedi dates

Zahedi dates, in addition to their high nutritional value, have numerous therapeutic properties, including: prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, digestive problems and …. Consumption of two to three dates a day is an important part of the body’s daily need for sugar, fat, protein And will provide vitamins. Below, we will briefly discuss some of the properties of Zahedi dates

  1. 1. This date is rich in antioxidants and amino acids that are very useful to prevent the growth of cancer cells.
  2. 2. Calcium in Zahedi dates is very high. It is therefore useful for bones and the treatment of osteoporosis
  3. 3. Because it is high in iron, which is recommended for anemia.
  4. 4. Zahedi date potassium is also very useful for relieving fatigue and muscle pain, especially after strenuous exercise.
  5. 5. Zahedi dates have many vitamins, including vitamins C, B1, B2 and که, which are suitable for treating vitamin deficiency or malnutrition.
  6. 6. Zahedi dates are rich in fiber, which is why people who have digestive problems, it is better to include it in their food basket to prevent constipation and facilitate digestion.
  7. 7. Reduces heartburn and stomach acidity.
  8. 8. The sugar in dates is a type of fructose that not only does not cause blood sugar but is also effective for weight loss.
  9. 9. The nature of this date is warm and it is very suitable for people with a cold nature.
  10. 10. High manganese in Zahedi dates Soothes nerves.
  11. 11. This food is low in calories, which eliminates harmful cholesterol. By removing cholesterol from the arteries, it is effective in maintaining heart health.
  12. Protein in Zahedi dates increases muscle mass and physical strength and promotes bone health and reduces the desire for a variety of foods.

These are some of the properties of Zahedi dates that were briefly explained. If you want to supply Iranian Zahedi dates with unique taste and quality and good price, send your request to and after the necessary checks, you will be answered.

Zahedi dates

Zahedi dates


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