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Raisins are one of the most advantageous Iranian

Raisins are one of the most advantageous Iranian

Raisins are one of the most advantageous Iranian products in Salam Markets

Iran is the third largest exporter of raisins. Raisins are one of the dried fruits obtained from grapes. This nut is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, antioxidants and vitamins. Raisins come in many varieties and are available in different forms in the market.

Most raisin companies around the world have based their marketing strategy on digital marketing as internet sales are increasing every year so that online sales are 17% higher than traditional sales every year. Salam Markets offers its goods and services with competitive prices and better quality than competitors, and traders can safely export and import goods without any hassle and without even paying for travel to other countries.

Properties of raisins

Raisins are the dried grapes that everyone knows as raisins. Raisins have many benefits that are very good for health. If raisins are consumed regularly and each person can use a few of them daily, it will have many benefits for the body, in fact, raisins are a complete source of vitamins. And minerals.

This dried fruit is rich in energy and antioxidants. Consistent consumption of raisins is very useful for the body and prevents various diseases such as osteoporosis and so on. Among the properties of raisins can be mentioned the following:

Raisins are an excellent source of vitamin D and estrogen, which can be made by the body by consuming a few raisins a day.

– Raisins have properties such as antioxidants, which is very useful to prevent the destruction of cells in the body.

– Consumption of raisins is very useful to prevent osteoporosis of the body, in fact, it should be noted that consumption of raisins not only prevents osteoporosis but also its consumption is very useful for bone health and this plays an important role for women. It is before menopause.

– Many people think that raisins are harmful to the teeth because of their sweetness and stickiness, but this is a completely wrong opinion, raisins are not only not harmful to the teeth and do not cause tooth decay, but also for the health of the teeth. And the gums are very useful, which even prevents food from rotting inside the teeth.

Raisins are a great source of vitamins and nutrients for the body,  such as iron, potassium, calcium and vitamin B

– There is a lot of iron in raisins, which is very useful for anemia.  600 grams of raisins provide 90% of the body’s daily iron needs. 100 grams of raisins have about 1.88 mg of iron, while 100 grams of beef contains between 2-4 mg of iron.

– Raisins can be introduced as an excellent source of fiber, which has a high antioxidant, and we can also introduce it as a good source of energy.

Raisins are a nutritious dried fruit and, like other nuts, can be found all year round. It is a high-energy, low-fat, low-sodium food. Therefore, eating raisins is very useful for people who should follow low-sodium diets.

The use of raisins due to the presence of fiber in it prevents colon cancer and also to prevent the unusual growth of cells in the body. It is also very useful for preventing diseases as well as controlling blood sugar.

By adding raisins to meat, it eliminates a lot of fat and increases the amount of fiber in food and reduces its sodium.

– The antioxidant in raisins prevents aging, as well as reduces the resulting diseases.

Raisins contain substances that prevent cancer.

Raisins lower LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce heart disease.

Frequent consumption of raisins on a regular basis for 28 days or the same 4 weeks, increases antioxidants in the blood and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL).

– Consumption of raisins prevents stress.

– The use of raisins causes the proper functioning of the body’s arteries and also prevents clogging of the arteries.

– Consumption of raisins cures constipation and prevents stomach irregularities, and also consumption of a few raisins a day can cure these diseases to some extent.

According to experts, you should eat at least a few raisins during the day, which strengthens memory and prevents diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and also due to the presence of fiber in raisins causes the intestines to function properly. .

– Those who like to lose weight, the best way to lose weight is the daily use of raisins, which is very useful for weight loss. Due to its fructose sugar, it has the property of rapid energy consumption and weight loss.

– Raisins are one of the fragrant fruits that are completely useful for the body and another of its benefits is that, like carrots, it is also good for eye health.

– Using raisins to strengthen the nerves is very important and also strengthens memory.

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